Friday, April 12, 2013

garden beds ready for planting

We filled the beds with soil and have gone through a few rains now.  We wanted to make sure the walls on the beds did not have any large places to cause us to lose soil through all the cracks and crevises.  All is well, no soil lost at all.  We are now ready to rock and roll and get things planted.  We need to fence the garden area in before we plant to keep out all the deer, armadillo, fox and rabbit.  Hopefully we will get started on fencing in the next week or so.  Until then...........

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Raised bed rock garden ready

It took us a couple weeks on the weekends to dig out the beds and make the rock wall borders.  So, to build 3 16x4 bed frames we had no expenses...  we priced making cedar raised garden beds but we would have spent at least $300 just for the wood, so we saved money and it looks great!  We bought soil that is half compost and for 7 yards only paid $265 for them to deliver it.  We thought that was a good deal.  So here are some pics of the process.  Each bed held 26 'full' wheelbarrows.  This was a workout!!

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raised rock garden bed

 We wanted to start a garden this year and wanted to do it large enough to plant everything we wanted.  Our property has so many rocks all over it, we came up with the idea to make the raised bed walls out of rocks.  We chose the largest and flattest and started building the walls.  The rocks were pretty darn heavy too, but we wanted it to look as natural as possible.